ANZAOMS Membership is available to Australian and New Zealand based Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and trainees occupying an accredited FRACDS (OMS) training post in Australia or New Zealand.
Membership applications are considered at each ANZAOMS Council Meeting, which are usually held in February, June and October each year. Your application will remain pending approval until the next Council meeting from when you lodge your application and you will receive a response to your application shortly after the Council Meeting. Membership fees are not due until your application has been approved.
Please consider the membership categories below and complete the relevant application form.

Full member
To be eligible to become a Full Member of ANZAOMS, you are required to hold the FRACDS (OMS). However, you may also be eligible if your training, qualifications, experience and standing within the profession is at least equivalent to the FRACDS (OMS).
To apply, you require two current ANZAOMS Full members as referees.
Full members are entitled to:
- attend all General Meetings of the Association;
- vote upon all matters brought before the General Meeting;
- be nominated for any office of the Association.
Associate member
Any person, who is not eligible to be a Full Member of ANZAOMS and whom, the Council believes, will further the Objects of the Association, is eligible to become an Associate Member.
To apply, you require two current ANZAOMS members as referees.
Associate Members have the right to attend all General Meetings and, with the permission of the Chairman, to take part in any discussions thereat.
Associate Members do not have voting rights and are not eligible to hold any office in the Association or receive Minutes of Council deliberations.
For individuals planning to pursue a position in the FRACDS (OMS) training program, you will automatically become eligible for free Trainee Membership upon acceptance into the program. Associate Membership is not recommended for individuals in that situation.
Overseas member
Overseas membership is available to any person temporarily residing outside Australia and New Zealand who otherwise would be eligible to become a Full Member of ANZAOMS. Australian or New Zealand residency is a requirement of Full Membership of ANZAOMS. Generally Overseas Membership is designed to support existing Full Members or eligible Full Members who are residing overseas for a period of time to pursue Fellowship or employment opportunities.
To be eligible to become a Full Member of ANZAOMS, you are required to hold full registration as a dentist and and medical practitioner in Australia or New Zealand and the FRACDS (OMS). However, you may also be eligible if your training, qualifications, experience and standing within the profession is at least equivalent to the FRACDS (OMS).
To apply, you require two current full ANZAOMS members as referees.
Overseas Members are entitled to all rights and privileges of Full Members, which include:
- attend all General Meetings of the Association;
- vote upon all matters brought before the General Meeting;
- be nominated for any office of the Association.
Trainee Member
All trainees holding an an accredited post within the RACDS OMS training program are eligible to be Trainee Members of the Association.
Trainee Members have the right to attend all General Meetings and, with the permission of the Chairman, to take part in any discussion thereat.
Trainee Members do not have the right to vote on any matter or question and are ineligible to hold any office in the Association. Upon completion of the FRACDS (OMS) a Trainee Member will automatically be eligible for nomination as a full member.
Non-Member – Pre-Fellowship Student Information Service
ANZAOMS recognises that Medical and Dental students often wish to learn more about the specialty before committing to the study program.
Our Pre-Fellowship Student Information Service is a free student service which enables potential fellowship candidates to learn more about the specialty, stay engaged in specialty activities and access general information about ANZAOMS. If this sounds like you, please sign up today to stay informed about the specialty.
The Fellowship Training Program for Oral Maxillofacial Surgery FRACDS(OMS) is designed to provide trainees with sufficient theoretical and practical background to meet all current standards available in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Australia and New Zealand.
Trainees are prepared for a career in clinical practice either in major public hospitals, private practice, or both. In addition, trainees are encouraged to develop competence in teaching and research which are important for a future practice as an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon.